Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Essay on The Book and Science: A Boon or a Curse
Author: Unknown
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The Book You Like Most I like the Gita most because the Gita does not belong to a particular epoch or school or time. It is the book of a...
The Book
You Like Most I like the Gita most because the Gita does not belong to a particular epoch or school or time. It is the book of a human nature based on reason. It is the preachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. The another name of the Gita is the Bhagvad Gita. There is a description of the great battle of Kurukshetra fought between Pandavas and Kaurvas. Firstly Arjun refused to fight against his kins. But Lord Krishna told him not to fight against kins but to fight against vices and evils doers. At this Arjun was enlightened and happily began to fight. Through the preachings of Lord Krishna, Arjun was convinced of need of the fight. The Gita is a symbol of Indian philosophy. It is read not only in India but almost in every part of the world. It has been translated into all the major languages of the world. It shows the real path of life. It always inspires me to do my duty and not to bother about the result. I would like to read the Gita time and again.

Science: A Boon or a Curse
The word 'science' literally means 'knowledge'. The modern age is an age of science. Science is the greatest boon to the modern world. Modern discoveries and inventions have increased human comforts and happiness. The first thing that man learnt to do was to Conquer Nature. He can now sail the vast oceans, fly in the air, travel underground and do a lot more things. Inventions like the telephone, mobile, computer etc. have changed man's forever. There have been inventions and discoveries in all aspects of life. Science has worked greater miracles in the field of health and medicine. Science has been the greatest weapon in Man's battle against diseases of various kinds. Technology is on a rise everyday. Each new day brings better technology with it. So, we can say that science is a boon to human life.


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